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Signs burglars leave at homes

The signs burglars leave on homes are basically symbolic. Each symbol is unique and means something different. The use of symbols helps in communication between bandits of the same group, but also with other groups. There are some well-known signs that all thieves know and serve to inform the status of each house.

The signs burglars leave on homes are basically symbolic. Each symbol is unique and means something different. The use of symbols helps in communication between bandits of the same group, but also with other groups. There are some well-known signs that all thieves know and serve to inform the status of each house.

Protecting our personal space has now become one of our dominant considerations. In recent years there has been a large increase in crime, not only in the central neighborhoods of the country, but also in those that are characterized as quieter.

Signs burglars leave at homes

Before breaking into a home, thieves make sure to gather the information they need. At first, they track the targets to gather as much information as they can. The information they gather is about the age range of the homeowners, how many live there, what time they come home. In addition, they need information such as whether there is an alarm in the house, whether there is a dog inside or outside it, whether there is money or valuables, etc. In case the owners of the house are absent for days, thieves make sure to know if anyone visits the house. home or if the neighbors notice.

Thieves make sure to convey all this important information to their partners. The need to chat with partners without direct contact, but also without the use of technology.

The signs that burglars leave are unique, and each one means a different thing. Below we present to you the basic signs that thieves use before stealing a house


1. ‘’Empty’’ house

In the event that a house is interesting from the outside, but no one lives inside, thieves take notice. It's a valuable piece of information for thieves who want to hack into it. Some say a empty home means that there will be nothing worthwhile to take from inside

2. Clear visual area

Another very important element for thieves concerns whether or not they will be able to move around the area freely. With this symbol, therefore, they can ensure more time in all stages of the robbery.

3. Vulnerable lady

This symbol can prove quite useful to robbers. Such an indication outside the house, turns it into an easy case for burglars.

4. Ready target

It is probably the clearest symbol for the house to be stolen immediately. If such a sign is found outside your home, it's only a matter of time before a robbery takes place in your place!

5. Already robbed

Burglars don't just use symbols to rob a house. They want to ensure among themselves that the rest of the robbers in the group will not waste time stealing something that has already been looted.

6. Danger of getting caught

Naturally, thieves make sure to inform each other of potential dangers. Especially if there is an increased risk of being caught, they remove the other members of the group.

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